Alright man, ill be willing to give ya a few tips and tricks. But before that, I wanna say your drawing is alright, you have a good sense of coloring, and the shading yea, it could use a little work. BUT thats what practicing's for. So pretty much your coloring is pretty decent, but the line art is what you should focus on first. Its a little messy, cleaning up the lines that look a little ridged and make it look smooth would be great, as if it were one single smooth stroke. Now idk if you do use guidelines for your drawings, but if you don't I think it would help a ton more with the anatomy. But dont just go off of what you think anatomy looks like. Get some reference drawings of anatomy. And I'm not talking about the full fleshy body picture, showing all the organs, veins, and such. Just a simple guidelined anatomy drawing. Trace over the references if it helps, in fact, it really does help for a matter a fact. So go for it.
But I'm sure since you just got your drawing tablet, you may be trying to get use to it first. So if that be the case, dont go guns blazing for the most complex anatomy drawing you could possibly find for reference. Start off slow with just like this picture. Just try and draw sections of the body at a time, until you can draw more at a time. So for instance, draw from the head to shoulders, head to arms, then finally, full body picture! I mean, you can think of the method for the sections you draw first, that's just a suggestion.
But yea, that's it really. Keep it up. Look for tutorials, reference drawing, sketch, trace, guidelines, all of the above! Your doing good so far, just keep practicing~ 'v'